Hustle culture is (finally!) dying.

What we want from work is fundamentally different than 2019  🎉

68% percent of employees & 81% of the C-suite say that improving their well-being is more important than advancing their career, according to Deloitte.

Whoa. This signals a MASSIVE shift away from hustle culture.

Let’s call this the first dimension of well-being at work.

Now imagine for a second it doesn’t have to be a trade-off. What if you could advance your career AND be well?

Pipe dream? Possibly. But I believe it can be a reality. The second dimension of well-being at work is one where our careers take off because of increased well-being.

As one person shared in response to this question on my LinkedIn:

I actually found that when I started focusing on increasing my well-being, my work results improved! I had the mental capacity to show up better and more energized in my career.

Assuming you have already stepped into the first dimension of well-being at work, allow this to be your invitation to step into the second.

But your company is never going to tell you to do it. So you just gotta do it.

If your results improve and you feel better, who’s to argue ✌️

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